Born in Kelowna in 1974, James is a third generation Canadian artist. His father Karl E Wood, grandfather Robert E Wood and brother Robert E Wood were/are all professional artists whose painting careers spanned many decades. James has been creating art professionally for over 25 years and loves working in a variety of mediums. James took lessons from his brother Robert working with oil and acrylic and is self taught at carving stone and crystal sculptures.

James has been fortunate to live in some of the most beautiful and inspiring places in western Canada including the Okanagan, Alberta’s foothills, Drumheller Valley and Vancouver Island where he has lived in the north, south and central areas. He currently resides in the Comox Valley.

James loves connecting deeply with the world around him through various outdoor pursuits including remote week long backpacking and kayaking adventures, swimming in the rivers and lakes, diving in the ocean and exploring ancient forest ecosystems. James also has a deep love for palaeontology. He has found many rare, scientifically important fossils ranging from dinosaurs to Isopods which he has donated to museums. He also uses his artistic abilities working with museums creating exhibits and preparing fossil specimens for study or display. In his art James captures the mood, light and flowing energy of the beautiful beings that he encounters on his journeys. James is well acquainted with and enjoys portraying magical moments from the people, prairies, mountains, forests and beaches to beneath the surface of the waves.